Thank You to our Sponsors

Now that the unfortunate end to the season is confirmed and we keep our fingers crossed that our end of season presentation events might be possible in ways other than online, it remains to say a GIGANTIC thank you to all of our sponsors for 2021 (including those rolled over from the similarly impacted 2020).

Without your generous investments in our sponsorship offerings so much less would be possible at our club and for that we all thank you.

Whether its the 5 year olds charging about on a Saturday morning, the 11 year olds learning the ropes, the young adults strutting their stuff in the Gisborne sky blue or the 55 year olds hobbling home on a Wednesday evening after training. The people that mark the pitches, that buy the kits and equipment, that ref the games, that coach and manage the teams, that put out flags and cones and put them away again and the committee that make the decisions and keep the plates spinning.

THANK YOU for making soccer in this community the best it can be!
