
Director Movements

We advise that the tireless Mikki Maheras will be relinquishing the role of Secretary at Gisborne Soccer Club to concentrate on the other role she has been performing for the past season - Registrar. Mikki will of course remain as a Club Director with this move.

Mikki has been balancing both Secretary and Registrar roles for the majority of Season 2021 to cover for a paucity of volunteers to fill them. However as we move into Season 2022 with Victoria seemingly on the verge of getting back to some form of normal, it makes sense to open up these roles and invite new people keen to support and direct the Club going forward.

Season 2022 should be a great time to be involved as we look forward to a more normal, and hopefully uninterrupted season next year.

Alongside the General Committee members, your volunteer run club operates on the basis that whatever you can commit is more than sufficient and we all muck in to help each other out and keep the show on the road.

If you care about the prosperity of the Club please consider seriously this opportunity to be part of a fun, supportive and accommodating team, keen to see as many footballing opportunities provided to both adults and children in Gisborne and the Macedon Ranges.

If this is something you think you can contribute to, please email or call Richard Smart on 0430424597.

Annual General Meeting 2020/2021

Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Gisborne Soccer Club for the 2020/2021 Year will be held as follows:

Date: Monday 8th November 2021
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Dixon Field* and Online
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(AU) +61 2 9051 7975‬ PIN: ‪478 197 657‬#
More phone numbers:

Currently there are no planned elections for Director roles nor other roles the Club needs. However we have lots of vacancies and will be looking for volunteers as usual.

Current Club help/administrative roles

Current Club office bearers alongside vacant roles are published here:

Coaching Roles:

As you may have spotted on social media, the Club is in the process of reappointing season 2021 coaches and hope to try to get as many as we can in place early on. This will help a lot with getting grading and recruitment done, players allocated to teams, sponsors secured and then suitably sized kits ordered and received in time for the season start.

If you are interested in taking a more active role in the running of the Club in 2022 please email us at or speak to any committee member about what you could do to help.

Any questions please contact the club at

GSC Committee

* Decision to hold an in person meeting at Dixon Field alongside the online option is pending COVID restrictions at that date.

Resignation of Director

It is with great regret that must inform you that John Turner has resigned from his position as a Director of Gisborne Soccer Club and his role as Sponsorship Director.

With a significant amount raised from sponsorships this year following a very difficult period with COVID, the Club's financial position seems significantly less at risk than it was at the heart of the pandemic and John's contribution to that has been significant. However he has now found it necessary to take the decision to resign in the face of increasing business responsibilities of his own that require his time.

John is a long standing member of the Club having coached previously and with kids having played here. Despite this resignation, he remains one of our generous sponsors, a commitment he has made to the Club over a number of years via the Black Forest Motel. Additionally he will continue to strut his stuff in the vets team (hamstrings permitting) and advocate for the Club he has devoted so much of his time to down the years.

Thank you John for stepping into the breach at what was a tricky time for the Club and we look forward to your unmistakable presence around the grounds over the remainder of this season and for seasons to come.

President, Richard Smart

Resignation of Director

I'm sorry to announce that Olga Bartasek has had to resign from Gisborne Soccer Club as a Director and our registrar due to the volume of her other personal commitments. However I am also pleased to let you know she has committed to continuing as a general committee member and is already providing input on how we can tailor our constitution so as to more clearly apply to situations the club might encounter.

Olga has been involved with the club for many years with kids playing here in a number of age groups and has even dazzled with her skills herself in the Soccer Sevens tournaments. Her willingness to step up recently, at a time of relative crisis was vital to the continuation of the club over the past year or two and her experience in the way community clubs operate effectively has guided us through with minimal damage. Additionally her contributions to boosting the status of women and girls at the club has been much valued and she has even found ways to get some of the kids contributing to the workload with her son Liam producing a promotional video for us! Just because we can't send them down the mines nowadays doesn't mean they can't make themselves useful! ;o)

Thank you Olga for your efforts and pleased to know you will still be around to help out.

President, Richard Smart


The Annual General Meeting was held last night, we wish to advise and congratulate the following people who were elected unopposed as club Directors for the next two seasons:

President: Richard Smart
Vice President: Michael Spasojevic
Treasurer: Kathy Van Emmerik
Registrar: Olga Bartasek
Secretary: Mikki Maheras
Sponsorship Director: John Turner

We wish to extend our thanks and well wishes to the former club Directors who have vacated their roles in 2020.

We’re always looking for more hands on deck so if you would like to get involved and help in some way please email

Annual General Meeting 2018/2019

Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Gisborne Soccer Club for the 2018/2019 Year will be held as follows:

Date: Monday 6th July 2020
Time: 7:00pm online using the Google Meet application at this time.
Location: Online (To join the meeting – click or type the following link )

The committee will endeavour to hold the meeting in person at the club rooms if possible and will make a determination of and update members by 5:00pm on Friday 3rd July 2020.

This meeting is required since the AGM held on Tuesday 12th November was adjourned as it did not comply with the requirements for an AGM in accordance with Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic).

We would like to bring to the attention of all Gisborne SC members that following the adjourned AGM the following Committee Members have stood down/resigned from their roles:

  • Rodney Smith - President

  • Julian Bakhurst - Secretary

  • Jarrod Greer - Assistant Secretary

  • Steve Gembarovski - Treasurer

These roles have been filled by:

  • Mel Paradiso - President

  • Tim Callinan - Secretary 

  • Paul Gibson - Assistant Secrtary

  • Mikki Maheras - Treasurer

The following positions were also added and/or filled:

  • Kathy Van Emmerik - Assistant Treasurer

  • Olga Bartasek - Registrar

  • Susanne Tzamouranis - Junior Coordinator

The following continue in their positions:

  • Richard Smart - Vice President and Miniroos Coordinator

  • Jarrod Greer - Head of Senior Men’s Football and Media Coordinator

  • Glenn Matthews - Grants Coordinator

The following Members are part of the General Committee:

  • Julian Bakhurst

  • Justin Knott

  • Silvana Piccolo

  • Michael Spasojevic 

We are proud to have a great team of volunteers to lead Gisborne SC into the future. We want to extend our thanks and appreciation to the previous Committee members for all their hard work.

The committee would appreciate as many members as possible involved with the meeting but we need to know how many will attend so we can manage under the COVID restrictions on gatherings. Therefore please advise the secretary by 5:00pm on Friday 03/07/2020 if you will be attending to guarantee admission.

Tim Callinan
Gisborne Soccer Club

New President

After a thorough process of interviewing a number of high quality applicants, the Directors of Gisborne Soccer Club are please to announce that Mel Paradiso has been chosen to be our new President.

Mel has been a huge contributor on the committee since 2016, most notably in her recent role as Registrar and for organising the Go Sevens program.

In selecting Mel as President the Directors saw the this as an opportunity to shuffle a number of roles around, as we welcome new people to both the board of Directors & to the extended general Committee. This move will help ensure the smooth running of the club beyond the current Directors tenure.

We are also looking forward to working with the unsuccessful candidates as we seek to create roles that play to their strengths and benefit Gisborne Soccer Club as a whole.

Please congratulate Mel on her appointment, further announcements in relation to other roles will be made shortly.

#BornToBeBlue #GSC2020 #MelPresidente

Committee & Directors Changes

We wish to advise of the following changes to the Directors of Gisborne Soccer Club:

On Monday 11 November 2019, the Gisborne SC Directors accepted the resignation of Glenn Matthews from his position as Vice President. Glenn has held this role twice, the latest stint being for the past 12 months. Glenn has stood down from this role due to time constraints. We thank Glenn for his contribution as Vice President and are pleased that he will remain on the extended committee continuing in his highly successful role as Grants Coordinator.

As per the club Constitution Richard Smart was voted in as Vice President by the remaining Directors, he will fill the role as a casual vacancy. Richard has most recently been the MiniRoos Coordinator, seeing our Saturday morning program go from strength to strength. At the other end of the spectrum he has recently set the wheels in motion for an over 35’s competition that we are looking to implement in the near future.

On Friday 15 November 2019. the Gisborne SC Directors accepted the resignation of Rodney Smith from his position as President. Rodney has held this role for 5 & a half years, during this time we have seen the construction of a new pavilion, the male senior & reserves teams switch from Sunday to Saturday competitions, all of our goals & equipment replaced, new benches installed, and most important of all our participation numbers increase nearly double (based on 2013 figures).

Behind the scenes Rodney oversaw the implementation of new bookkeeping software along with new policies and procedures to ensure the financial issues experienced by the previous Directors could not be repeated. An independent analysis, from Club Builder, recently awarded us a 4-star rating for governance along with providing us guidance on how to work towards the 5-star mark.

Rodney has stepped down due to personal reasons, at this stage a replacement has not been appointed. We thank Rodney for his contribution and support to the club, we know we will see him around the club as he takes some time to enjoy games as a proud parent.

The Directors would like to invite people to nominate for the Committee, where it be a Directors role or that of an Office Bearer. The more hands on deck we have the better, small contributions make an enormous difference.